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High Aspirations Deep Roots

Nursery Admissions

We are extremely proud of our Nursery provision at Knebworth, and we are sure your child will make a fantastic start to their education here!  Knebworth Primary and Nursery School is at the heart of the village and has provided exceptional education for over 100 years.

We would love to show you around our nursery setting. We hold visits from January through to March, where you can have a look at the setting and ask any questions. Please contact the school office to book your place.

We will initially be offering one intake in September for 2025-2026, for children born between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 inclusive.

We currently offer:

Half-day places (15 hours per week) on the basis of five mornings a week.

Full-day places (30 hours per week) for parents in receipt of the government's "30 hours funding".  For more information and to find out if you are eligible, visit Childcare Choices

Full-day places (30 hours per week) for parents who are not eligible for the government's "30 hours funding".  This is currently at a cost of £5.00 per hour for the additional 15 hours per week.

Please note that we are unable to offer part-time places, for example, one day a week or two mornings a week.

Nursery admissions are managed by the school.  Please click on the image below to access our application form if you are interested in applying to Knebworth Nursery.

The deadline for Nursery applications is 21st March 2025 for the September 2025 intake.