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The Inclusion Team

The Inclusion Team is committed to ensuring all children, regardless of their differences, have access to first-quality teaching and become independent and successful learners. We are passionate about developing confidence, self-belief and a growth mind-set in all our children.

The team works closely with all staff to ensure that any barriers to learning are identified, and appropriate support is offered. Working closely with our children and parents helps us to develop a real understanding of the unique child and their individual needs.

Our class-based Inclusion Assistants do an amazing job and are focused on ensuring all our children are included in quality first teaching. Collectively, they have years of experience and are committed to providing the best support and ensuring maximum progress for all our children.

Mrs Rix and Mrs Rajiah are the school's Inclusion Managers, Pupil Premium Leads, Mental Health Leads, Designated Teachers & Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSLs)

Our role in school is to oversee whole school provision for children with Special Educational Needs and children who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding. We provide support and advice regarding all areas of SEND – including ADHD, Autism, social and emotional difficulties, anxiety and dyslexia. We offer classroom observations and work closely with all school staff and parents. We are also part of the safeguarding team.

We are available to support with referrals to advisory teams and external agencies, including:

  • Speech, Language, Communication and Autism Team
  • Specific Learning Difficulties Advisory Team
  • Outreach support for children with significant learning difficulties
  • School nurse referrals to support with anxiety/toileting
  • Referrals for NHS Speech and Language support
  • EYFS special advisory advice for social emotional difficulties and/or learning
  • Support with Mental Health and Wellbeing

If you feel that your child has more complex needs that require more specialist resources, we are happy to discuss how to apply for an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP). You can contact us by sending an email or by phoning the school to make an appointment.
Tel: 01438 812184