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High Aspirations Deep Roots

School Dinner & Packed Lunch

We know that eating a good meal is extremely important to the wellbeing of all children, both mentally and physically. Therefore we aim to offer the right balance when it comes to your children’s meals at lunchtime. Our chefs work closely with the school and the council to ensure that the meals being provided are always of the highest quality, and still affordable. HCL have produced a brochure with further information about their school meals. 

Knebworth School is an EGG and NUT free school - please ensure that all packed lunches and snacks do not contain these items.

Lunches should be ordered and paid for through the School Grid system by 9:00 every morning. 

Knebworth School is dedicated to providing an environment that promotes healthy eating and enabling pupils to make informed choices about the food they eat. This will be achieved by a whole school approach to food and nutrition within our curriculum.




Healthy Eating Spotlight


A big thank you to Caroline Farrell (Registered Nutritionist) for providing our healthy eating spotlights!